Terms & Conditions Yoganature

  Date: August 2023

1) Scope
Scope of these terms & conditions is the organization of yoga retreat weeks and seminars organised by Yoganature – Oliver Kulter and Stefanie Drebing.

2) Services
The tour operator Yoganature specialised in yoga holidays & retreats
Stefanie Drebing
Niederwiese 14
55595 Hargesheim,
herafter called „Yoganature“, provides the services described in the course of the application.

3) Payment and liability of the application

The participation in the yoga week is bindingly booked upon receipt of payment of the total price offered.

4) Cancellations by Representative

In the event of a withdrawal/cancellation, Yoganature will return the participant

  • up to 12 weeks before the beginning of the yoga week 100 %
  • from 11 to 8 weeks before the beginning of the yoga week 50%
  • from 7 up to 4 weeks before the beginning of the yoga week 25 %

of the total price.

5) Cancellations by Yoganature

Yoganature can withdraw from the contract:

  1. if the contracting party does not fulfill its payment obligation or does not comply with the agreed terms of contract.
  2. if the execution of the journey is made difficult, endangered, impaired or impossible as a result of unforeseeable extraordinary circumstances (war, strikes, riots, official orders, natural disasters, pandemias etc.). In this case, Yoganature will reimburse the customer for the payments made. Further claims are excluded.

7) Change of agreement
Changes or deviations of individual services from an agreed content of the contract, which become necessary after conclusion of the contract and which were not brought about in good faith by Yoganature, are permitted, provided that the changes do not affect the overall layout of the booked yoga week. Yoganature is obliged to inform the customer about changes in performance or deviations immediately. If necessary, we will offer the customer a free rebooking or a free withdrawal.

8) Liability
Yoganature organizes and books accomodation, food, airport transfer and realises other tour operator services if agreed. Yoganature shall not be liable to the client or third parties for any accident, damage, loss, injury expense or inconvenience which may be suffered, incurred, arise out of or is in any way connected with the yoga or retreat lessons of any external teacher installed through the representative.

Yoganature is an officially registered German tour operator. By law it has taken out a liability insurance, which covers personal injury and property damage up to a sum of € 10 million, property damage up to a sum of € 1 million and pecuniary damage up to a sum of € 100,000.

If Yoganature conveys offers from third parties, the respective liability provisions of the third party providers apply.

9) Additional agreements, written form, salvatory agreement

Verbal agreements have not been made. Changes and additions to this agreement, including this term, must be made in writing. Should one or more terms of the contract, including these General Terms and Conditions, be wholly or partially invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms. Ineffective or unenforceable terms shall be replaced by terms that come as close as possible to the legal requirements of the parties involved. The same applies to those aspects that need to be regulated which have not been explicitly or conclusively regulated by this application or the applicable General Terms and Conditions.

10) Further conditions

  • Yoga classes are mainly held in English.

  • Registrations are processed in the order in which they are received

  • Participation can only be guaranteed after all conditions of participation have been fulfilled and the total price has been paid according to the invoice.

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